Kochadaiyaan actress Deepika Padukone has stripped down to bare minimums. The svelte looking diva graces the June issue of popular fashion magazine Vogue in an attractive black, orange and pink swimsuit. She has exclusively spoken on how to keep a healthy frame of mind and choose good eating habits, in an interview for the magazine.
Deepika shares her secrets on how to get Bollywood’s best body. She says, “Make a conscious decision to put your health first. Work out first thing in the morning. It will pump you up for the whole day.” Stressing on the need of a good diet, she advices, “Eat right, and if you do indulge in something unhealthy, practice moderation. Drink lots of water and vegetable juice.” Holding an her uber chic pose, she has done the photo shoot as part of promos for a Bollywood film named Cocktail opposite Saif Ali Khan. As the name suggests, the movie is a love triangle and Deepika plays the role of a spoilt modern day brat, who loves hitting the pubs, boozing and partying till the break of dawn. Her career graph is at an all time high, grabbing the female lead opposite Kollywood Superstar Rajini in his forthcoming 3-D offering Kochadaiyaan. Check out the Vogue pic and do grab your June issue for more health tips from Deepika.
Deepika shares her secrets on how to get Bollywood’s best body. She says, “Make a conscious decision to put your health first. Work out first thing in the morning. It will pump you up for the whole day.” Stressing on the need of a good diet, she advices, “Eat right, and if you do indulge in something unhealthy, practice moderation. Drink lots of water and vegetable juice.” Holding an her uber chic pose, she has done the photo shoot as part of promos for a Bollywood film named Cocktail opposite Saif Ali Khan. As the name suggests, the movie is a love triangle and Deepika plays the role of a spoilt modern day brat, who loves hitting the pubs, boozing and partying till the break of dawn. Her career graph is at an all time high, grabbing the female lead opposite Kollywood Superstar Rajini in his forthcoming 3-D offering Kochadaiyaan. Check out the Vogue pic and do grab your June issue for more health tips from Deepika.