Actress Padmapriya is making her Kollywood return with the film Thanga Meengal. The actress has worked her charm in almost every other South Indian language including Tamil,Malayalam,Telugu and even Bengali. She will soon steal hearts with her raunchy item number for a song titled ‘Kappapuzhikkum Chakkavaratty’ .
The film also stars actress Prithviraj, Nithya Menen and Remya Nambeeshan in key roles. News is that Padmapriya never took any sort of fees after filming the item song for her director. “The song rolls out during the end credits of the film. In the backdrop all the characters in the film are having a good time with me in a pub,” confirms the beautiful face. Infact the item number came to her on a casual demand as she quips, “When the director came with a role for me I just asked him ‘why don’t you give me an item number’.I had no idea he would take it seriously.” The lyrics for this item number go like go, ‘Kappa kappa kappa puzhukk, chakka chakka chakkavaratti’. Doing an item number for the first time, the Keralean beauty has boldly stated, she has no problems in donning a bikini if the script demands. She further adds, “I am wearing a short skirt, for this song. You can’t expect me to wear a Kanjeevaram and shake a leg.” Fans can catch Padmapriya’s item number in the upcoming Mollywood flick Bachelor Party directed by Amal Neerad.